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Publisher/Editor: Ron Kovacs Editor: John Nagy Terry Schreiber, Mike Schuetz, Bruce Hansford, Jon Clarke, Mike Brown, Mike Mezaros, Ron Berinstein, Drew Kerr, and others.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * COMPUSERVE: 75300,1642 * DELPHI: ZNET * GENIE: Z-NET * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS THE EDITORS DESK...............................Ron Kovacs THE Z*NET NEWSWIRE................................Z*Staff ATARI NEWS UPDATE...........................Press Release COMING TO TERMS 2 - JUDGEMENT DAY...............Drew Kerr QUICK-ST UPGRADE............................Press Release QUICK REVIEWS..........................AtariUser Magazine SILOHOUETTE VERSION 1.0.....................Press Release Z*NET SOFTWARE SHELF - VACATION EDITION....Ron Berinstein Z*NET PC ISSUE #11 CONTENTS.................Press Release ======================================================================= THE EDITORS DESK ---------------- by Ron Kovacs ======================================================================= What a week locally!! Terrific storms knock a tree on the Z*House and lightning decided to "Reach out and Touch" my NEW modem. We are swimming in numerous amounts of rain and the humidity is wonderful! Dom't you want to come to New Jersey now? Sheesh! Last week I made some errors in my comments about the Pirating taking place in FNET. I wasn't very specific and apologize for my failure to do so, I thought I was reading another online magazine when re-reading it later. I am hard at work editing down the large amount of messages pertaining to the topic in the Z*Net (FNET) Conference. Some of them are very interesting and will show you the mentality we are dealing with. We are however, locating pirate nodes in the Z*Net sponsored conferences and deleting every single one of them. Last night I received a capture of phone phreaking, credit cards scams, and bomb making just to name a few. I am stuck on just what to do with the information since it will probably be used my some unsuspecting person and I can't be comfortable with that. As soon as I make a decision on this, I will share it with everyone. If not the content and exact directions, at least perhaps some of the paragraphs. Here is a short listing of the nodes or BBS systems we have located in the 'Elite' conference capture. Node 559, The Wharehouse; Node 350, The Bounty BBS, ST-Report Headquarters; Node 378, Little Lulu's; Node 474, Heaven and Hell; and Node 566, Kraftwerk. Please note that these systems appear in a capture of 'Elite' non-public conferences which discuss piracy and cracking files. There were no files found in the capture. These are just a FEW of the 37 systems put together from the capture and will not be supported by Z*Net in the FNET system. We are dropping all support and routes to these systems effective August 1, 1991. We encourage you to stop calling pirate boards today and appreciate and feedback on these systems if we have listed them in error. It is not our intention to start a which hunt, but discussing pirating of copyrighted software is not something we are going to support. Stay tuned for more details and BBS listings soon. The original capture is available on the Z*Net BBS is you would like to see these discussions for yourself. ======================================================================= Z*NET NEWSWIRE -------------- ======================================================================= MANNY MINI-FEST On Tuesday 7-23-91 Manny's Music In New York City hosted an Atari Day for on non-Midi applications for the Atari ST & Musicians. The following companies were present; Goldleaf Publishing, STep Ahead Softeare, ISD, SoftLogic and of course Atari Corp's Mike Groh. A better detailed report will appear next week here in Z*Net. ANTI-PIRACY CONFERENCE ANNOUNCED In an effort to bring piracy under control within FNET, the FoReM inter- BBS network, the Z*Net BBS is sponsoring the Anti-Piracy Conference which is available now. The conference code is 40593 and it available to any FoReM BBS system not participating in the 'Elite" conferences currently under way in the network. The 'Elite" conference are non- public, private conferences (message bases) openly discussing pirating of Atari software. The Z*Net BBS has been deleting nodes from the Magazine conference since the receipt of a capture from one of the host nodes in FNET. Stay tuned for more information on this situation. Z*Net will be re-producing "pirate topic" discussions during the weeks ahead and will include what we are doing to fight piracy in the Atari community. BRODIE AT ASHEVILLE ATARIFEST Bob Brodie attended the weekend Atarifest hosted by Sheldon Winick in North Carolina last week. Current estimates range between 400-500 people attending along with seminars held by Brodie and ST-Reports RF Mariano. See the report of the event by Bob Brodie in next weeks Z*Net. Brodie is on his way to Indiana this weekend and will hopefully be kind enough to pass along his comments! IBM BEGINS TO RUN APPLE SOFTWARE Hydra announced the delivery of its ANDOR ONE product, a PC add-in board with associated software that allows IBM PCs and compatible to run Apple Macintosh software. Andor One is a hardware and software package which combines the two predominant microcomputer standards into a single machine and works with all PCs ranging from XTs through 486s. This new product allows a PC-committed corporation to experiment with the productivity of Macintosh software before committing to the purchase of a new family of computers and a new computer vendor. EPSON INTRODUCES NEW LX-810 Epson has introduced an enhanced version of its LX-810 printer that features faster print speeds. The LX-810, a narrow-carriage, 9-pin printer, produces up to 240 cps in draft mode, a 30 percent increase, and up to 48 cps in NLQ mode, a 60 percent increase. The LX-810 has a suggested retail price of $269 and comes with a two-year limited warranty. ======================================================================= ATARI NEWS UPDATE ----------------- Press Release ======================================================================= NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS GROUP LAUNCHES THE RENAISSANCE OF ATARI'S NORTH AMERICAN COMPUTING MARKET WITH THE AEGIS STRATEGIC PARTNER PROGRAM Sunnyvale, California - 25 July 1991 - The Professional Systems Group, a division of Atari Computer Corporation, will kick-off the AEGIS Strategic Partner program at the AEGIS Symposium to be held August 5 and 6. The AEGIS Strategic Partner program creates a unique relationship between Atari, its key resellers and its key developers. This relationship nurtures the development of both vertical-market and cross- discipline solutions, resulting in a strong and effective national sales organization. A key part of the AEGIS Strategic Partner program is the AEGIS Symposium, a clearinghouse for the ideas and information that create powerful vertical-market solutions. The AEGIS Symposium is a two-day product training event with participation from both key resellers and key developers. The first AEGIS Symposium will be held August 5 and 6 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Sunnyvale, California and at the Cogswell Polytechnical College in Cupertino, California. Over 50 computer and music sales, third-party software, and Atari representative personnel will be in attendance. Key software developers attending the AEGIS Symposium include: C-Lab Software, Dr. T's Music Software, Hybrid Arts, Roland Corporation USA, Steinberg/Jones, Codehead Software, Goldleaf Publishing, Gribnif Software, ISD Marketing, Soft-logik Publishing and Step Ahead Software. ======================================================================= COMING TO TERMS 2 - "JUDGEMENT DAY" ----------------------------------- by Drew Reid Kerr ======================================================================= When we last left our stress-crazed hero, he was mind-boggled by how many terminal programs were available as public domain or retail software. It seemed like everybody and his grandmother concocted a program ending with "term" meant to connect the lovely ST with your friendly local modem. I mean, I heard rumors that our very own President of the United States was working on something called "BushTerm" but frankly I think one term is enough! Weeks have passed by and here is round two where I line up many of these term programs and watch'em go neck and neck with each other in the pit, scratching and biting. As I mentioned in the first part of this epic, I'm not looking for complications that will take me more time to figure out what the hell is going on than actually being on-line. Just give it to me quick and easy, so I don't even feel it. This issue's contestants: STEALTH 1.0 (previously known as HagTerm Elite; $39.95; until August 31, 1991, CompuServe. GEnie and Delphi users can get it for $29.95; distributed by PDC 818-242-5692; programmed by Hagop D. Janoyan) Like the mothership landing in "Close Encounters," Stealth has arrived to save us mere mortals from further endangering ourselves with self- destruction. This program does everything except walk your dog. It's got an easy graphic interface that divides the various sections of Stealth up: on- line screen, dialing section, and the word processor. Need to compact or uncompact something quickly in LZH? There's a nice little drawing of a disc that once clicked upon, will bring you right to the LZH programs. It takes a little time to set Stealth up but once you do, it works like a charm. This includes uploading and downloading paths, XYZ protocol paths, sets of macros for each BBS, dialer information, etc. In the dialer section, for each BBS there is a "Setting" in which you save valuable information: emulation, stop bit, parity, etc. Note that Stealth supports VT52, VT100, ANSI, and UBBS! Under dialing method, make sure you click on "Auto Config" so the BBS will be dialed to its particularly-tailored setting. Otherwise, it will use the general setting from the main screen. I had a little problem reaching CompuServe on Stealth -- all I got was garbage upon connection. I emailed Hagop through GEnie (H.JANOYAN3) and he was quick with help. Don't make the same mistake I did: remember to set CompuServe for even parity, 7 character bit! Hagop tells me that he originally provided PDC with a sample directory file for users, but it didn't appear on 1.0. This file had Auto Logon information for both GEnie and CompuServe, plus some local BBS's. All you had to do is put in your username and password in the correct fields and you'd be all set for Auto Logon. Hopefully, PDC will put this on 1.1, which will be complete by the time you read this. Also, there is a setting for a built-in help function, but for some unexplained reason, it is not included. Version 1.1 will have new features such as: redefining all keyboard commands, append to text files, more multidial flexability, and different initiation strings for each BBS. Beware: for some reason, the guide to Stealth's script language is NOT in the manual but on the disk to be printed out. And that print out runs to over 50-60 pages. I hope this flaw is corrected. Also: the registration process for Stealth is like the ones you find on most computer games. You know, on page 5, what is the 6th word in the 2nd paragraph, etc., etc. C'mon!!! HAS: All emulations, script language, timers of all kind, chimes for every occasion, text editor, XYZ protocol. EASE OF USE: 8 FEATURES: 10 DOCUMENTATION: 6 VANTERM 3.8 (Public Domain; by William Van Nesting Jr.; suggested price: $20-$30) This was my very first term program. I took it from one of the British ST magazine cover disks and it's one of the best PD programs around. It's not perfect, mind you, but it's pleasing to the eye and friendlier than most other PD's. While the program has a history text file and an update as well, you'll find all the instruction you need in the program itself! VanTerm has a built-in Help function that is crystal clear, not to mention keyboard shortcuts that make life much easier on the terminal screen. Directories hold 30 BBS's with all pertinent information and individualized settings. There's only one set of macros to use with your function keys. And the program only comes with X and Y protocols. If you are a Z-modem user, don't worry. Put Alan Hamilton's XYZ.TTP in the VanTerm folder. When you want to download, click on "Execute program," then XYZ.TTP, hit return and in it comes! But note: you only DOWNLOAD using Z-modem, not upload. HAS: Built-in help function, keyboard shortcuts, individual directory settings, multi-dial, easy buffer manipulation, easy Y-modem batch setups. DOES NOT HAVE: text editor, Z-modem (see above), script language. NOTE: I sent my shareware fee to William VanNesting address in Baltimore. Nobody seems to know if he's still there. He is on no major on-line service. He made a real good PD term program and disappeared. We salute you, William VanNesting Jr.! FLASH (Antic Publishing; $19.95) I bought this after hearing how popular this program was and seeing how it was mentioned everywhere. I took it home, opened it up, went through it and I have three words to say: WHAT A MESS! Why make things more complicated than they should be? The manual comes enclosed in a loose cardboard folder that has no gripping power. Additional information must be printed off the disk. You pay for this and it doesn't have Z-modem? (This last problem has been solved by the PD program Z Flash by J. Webb) Frankly, I never got anywhere with Flash and it's now gathering dust on a shelf somewhere. The manual was unreadable. The program itself was probably okay when it was first released way back when, but it is totally blown away by any retail term program today. Most PD programs are easier to comprehend! EASE OF USE: 2 FEATURES: 5 DOCUMENTATION:1 GIMETERM (Graphic Interface Modem Environment) (Micro Creations 1-800-333-3963) This is the biggest term demo program you'll download from an on-line service! I think the whole thing came in three parts and totally over 15 minutes of download time. In some places, that's the cost of a program itself! The instructions print out to 32 pages, which is WAY TOO LONG for a demo! GimeTerm takes time to set up, like Stealth, but once it gets going, it functions nicely. The standout feature of GimeTerm is its heavy graphical focus. Not only is each function represented by a clever icon, but you can draw circles and rectangles and other neat objects to send to your buddies over the telephone lines! The demo gives you a pretty good idea of how elaborate GimeTerm is. But unlike Flash, the interface makes logical sense, even upon first viewing. The demo also comes with a text file explaining the program. It looks pretty good and may be worth checking out as a Stealth alternative. Beware: the GimeTerm demo will do *one* download and that's all! HAS: Z-modem, text editor, graphic-intensive interface, script language, desk utilities and four (count'em) buffers! EASE OF USE: 7 FEATURES: 8 DOCUMENTATION: 6 FINAL WORDS: Since my first review, I received e-mail from RMORROW on Delphi agreeing with my assessment of the ZC-Term demo: spelling errors galore, no explanations, clunky interface. He also mentioned that he heard the full program itself is excellent. My advice is: if the programmer wants to get that across, he should whip that demo into professional shape! Incidentally, I have only found the ZC-Term demo on Delphi. Yet, programmers keep marching on to create their own term masterpiece to share with the world. Lately, I've seen a further update of ZTerm, something called Marconi (which looks okay except it makes my screen turn green), and another thing called Q-Dial (which is simple and adequate). I think if you are going to spend the time to create a term program, whether it be PD or retail, realize this: there's a GLUT out there. Almost every PD program has at least one good thing to say about it. But they're looking like a blur now. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT and you will get the response you seek, especially if you are in the shareware game. Originality makes you stand out from the crowd, folks. One feature which I think more term programs should feature is the built-in help function, of which VanTerm 3.8's is a perfect example. Thumbing through a non-indexed manual to answer a question about a specific feature is a pain in the hard drive. Now, if you are Joe or Joanne Consumer, which program do you use? On the PD front, VanTerm 3.8 is a warhorse but it stands up quite well. On the retail front, you get what you pay for. Stealth is a real kick-butt program. GimeTerm looks promising but one download a program does not make. When the new Stalker comes out, John Nagy will give you the verdict on that one. Your best bet may be to learn on PD and then buy retail when you're experienced. Then again, check out your friends and messages on bulletin boards. Nothing beats word of mouth. ======================================================================= QUICK ST UPGRADE ---------------- Press Release ======================================================================= Branch Always Software 14150 N.E. 20th St. #302 Bellevue, WA 98007 July 24, 1991 The Quick ST 3.0 Software Accelerator is now shipping to all users who ordered it or upgraded to it directly through us. Users in Canada and the U.S. should expect to have the disks arrive in the mail by the first week of August. Due to delays beyond our control, the utilities disk and manuals will be mailed out later in August. Quick ST 3.0 includes support for all ST, STE, Mega ST, and TT computers, and supports all of the new TT graphics modes. Typical text and graphics functions of TOS are 3 to 4 times faster when using Quick ST 3.0 than without, which means faster screen redraws and faster programs, whether on a 520ST running at 8MHz or a Mega STE running at 16Mhz! On a TT, the combined power of the 68030 chip and Quick ST 3.0 results in text and graphics functions running 10 to 50 times faster than on a regular ST. Only Quick 3.0 speeds up all TT screen resolutions. Quick ST 3.0 beats Quick ST 2.2, Turbo ST 1.84, and NewVDI 1.0 in ALL categories of the QINDEX, SPEEDTST, and ZOOMTEST benchmark utilities. Users of these products wishing to upgrade to Quick ST 3.0 can do so by sending proof of ownership (a photocopy of your disk is fine) and the following upgrade fees: Quick ST 1.8, 2.0, 2.1, or 2.2 - $15 Quick ST 2.2 (purchased after July 1) - $10 ICD AdSpeed Quick ST - $15 Turbo ST (any version) - $20 NewVDI (any version) - $20 Quick ST 3.0 runs on all version of TOS (from 1.0 to 3.05) and requires about 50K of RAM. A single .PRG file located in the AUTO folder of your boot disk is all that is required to add speed to your Atari! Quick ST 3.0 does not require separate versions for color or monochrome or Moniterm support as do other products. Quick ST 3.0 may be ordered new for only $34.95 U.S. Please note that you will receive the program disk first, and then the utility disk and manual at a later date. If you are concerned about memory usage, our Quick ST 2.2 accelerator is available for only $24.95 U.S. It isn't quite as fast but it requires as little as 20K of RAM. For more information about Quick ST 3.0 or Quick ST 2.2, write for our free newsletter. Send a self addresses stamped envelope to: Branch Always Software, 14150 N.E. 20th St. #302, Bellevue, WA 98007 ======================================================================= QUICK REVIEWS FROM ATARIUSER MAGAZINE ------------------------------------- July 1991 ======================================================================= The following reviews are reprinted from the July 1991 ATARIUSER magazine by permission. They may not be reprinted in any other form or publication without specific permission of Quill Publishing Co. Information and subscriptions to AtariUser are available: 113 W. College Street, Covina, CA 91723, phone 800-333-3567. Z-KEYS PC Keyboard Adaptor Zubair Interfaces is one of several developers who are offering options to the generally lowly-regarded keyboards for 520/1040 STs. The keyboard is attached to the rest of the computer, and many people would prefer a separate keyboard. And on MEGA computers, most users agree that the detached keyboard just isn't very good. Z-Keys lets you replace it with any standard PC keyboard, giving you your choice of touch and layout. Installing the Z-keys is very simple, though you'd never know it from the 3 pages of instructions that come with the unit. Essentially, you remove the ST's plastic case (not the RF shield), unplug the keyboard cable and plug it into the Z-keys. You then plug the Z-keys cable back into the place where the original keyboard was plugged in. Put it all back together, plug the PC keyboard into its cable, and you're done. You do need to install a small keyboard driver program in your AUTO folder, but that's even easier than the hardware installation. And how does it work? Very well, thank you. Both the PC keyboard and the ST's original keyboard are active, in the case of a 520 or 1040. Of course, there are some keys that don't exist on one keyboard or the other, but by in large, they are similar enough that the PC keyboard can substitute admirably for the ST's keyboard. HELP and UNDO don't appear on the PC layout, but a software update is available free for all registered owners that re-maps them to F11 and F12. Keyboard not included. Z-Keys, $99.95 (adaptor for MEGA, $20), from Zubair Interfaces Inc., 5243B Paramount Blvd., Lakewood, CA 90712, 213-408-6715 - David N. Plotkin D.E.K.A. Software-Independent PC Keyboard Adaptor Like many users, I type nearly twice as fast on a PC keyboard as on an Atari keyboard. Of several devices to attach a choice of keyboards to the Atari, only one operates without any resident driver software required. The "Detached Extended Keyboard Adaptor" or D.E.K.A. from WuzTek/Omnimon Peripherals Inc. is completely self contained and needs no attention from you or your ST. That means it always works, not just in ST mode, but in emulation of PC and Macintosh too. DEKA is a little box, a bit larger than an Atari mouse. It has a jack for the line to the computer, one to the PC keyboard, plus joystick and mouse ports. The joystick port can also be used for barcode readers that are set up for use on a PC. Using the DEKA is simple--just plug it in, and it works. If you want to use it on an ST model that doesn't already feature a detached keyboard, simple adapters are available from WuzTek that just plug in where the normal keyboard does inside (any version), allowing the use of any Mega keyboard or the DEKA. Internal configuration switches allow selection of several settings for different type keyboards, but most of the aftermarket keyboards will work as pre-set. Nearly every keyboard will work, although a very few may drain too much power from the Atari. Atari's odd keys - HELP and UNDO - are mapped by DEKA to function 11 and 12. PC's Page Up and Page Down are now "(" and ")". NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, and any extra keys do nothing in this version, and the keyboard indicator lights don't work. Since the Atari doesn't use them, it's no surprise. But it would be cute if all the PC keys worked as labeled when in PC emulation. Maybe an option in a later version? An internal battery-backed real time clock is optional. DEKA retails for $129.95 from WuzTek/Omnimon Peripherals Inc., One Technology Drive, Building 1E, Suite 301, Irvine, CA 92718. - John Nagy CALASSISTANT D.A. Help Utility for DTP - ST, TT As a Calamus Desktop Publisher user, do you have difficulty with the icons or with looking stuff up in the manual? Or, are you planning on buying Calamus but are put off by the long learning curve? You might find the solution in CalAssistant, an on-line help desk accessory that you can use while working in Calamus. The titles that appear from the drop-down menu tie in to the top line icons within Calamus. The Menu and Sub-Menu commands also relate directly with the Help Messages that appear in the upper-right of the Calamus screen. When you select a topic from CalAssistant, a Help Window appears. This window will give a brief description of that topic. At the bottom of this window, it tells you where to find additional help in the Calamus Owner's Manual. How much help is it? Well, there are 600 some separate files in the CalAssistant system, each one a separate detail screen! The manual wisely urges use only on a hard drive. Also, operation in 1-meg RAM or less is not possible. Although you can install the CalAssist accessory and peruse it without Calamus running in a smaller machine, its usefulness would be rather limited. The manual is sparse, but the program is simple enough to use. Along with the program you get some tutorial CDK files, a complete Helvetica font set, and some PD utilities. CalAssistant is a very useful program for the beginner at Calamus. It will shorten the learning curve needed to get you up to being a journeyman Calamus user. Even if you consider yourself a seasoned Calamus user, CalAssistant will make a good quick reference guide, and a way to explore features of the program that you may have avoided. CalAssistant is not a product of ISD or anyone else directly involved with Calamus. $34.95 from SPAR SYSTEMS, 381 Autumn Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11208, 718-325-3169. - John King Tarpinian DTPaint Desk Accessory Image Editor - ST, TT Imagine TouchUp from Migraph as a desk accessory. That's what DTPaint aspires to. DTPaint will load and edit IMG, DEGAS, and MacPaint files even while PageStream, Calamus or some other major application is running. It can be convenient to add or remove details in a picture that you otherwise are ready to use in a desktop publishing program or other graphic application. Featuring a common but wide array of drawing a fill tools and brushes, along with editable fills and magnification, DTPaint handles quickly and loads and saves files much faster than some editors. Any GDOS font can be used in a variety of sizes and styles. "Lasso" and "jackknife" with clipboard-like block save and load, one level of undo, and resolution change and aspect ratio control complete the picture. On the down side, DTPaint only runs on monochrome monitors, although it will support the Moniterm. It weighs in at 174K all by itself, and has a memory manager that will allow you to set buffer size. Between DTPaint and a sizable image, you may have 500K or more tied up before you even think about running an application. I don't see a point in using DTPaint in under 2 MEG of RAM. Worse, DTPaint has a few anomalies of operation that will annoy. The documentation admits that you might lose the mouse, and has a function to find it. Mouse buttons may react oddly within some applications. The "active" window concept allows the toolbox to appear every time you move the mouse out of the edit window--in practice, unnerving. At least this feature can be turned off. While editing, DTPaint is as good as most and better than many image creation and editing systems. If you have the need and the memory to spare, the intended scheme of use "within" major applications has unique appeal. The problems are not crippling, and can be gotten used to. At $49.95, DTPaint is a moderate value when compared to other paint programs. A German import, distributed in the USA by Rimik Enterprises, 836 Osborne Street, Vista, CA 92084. -John Nagy Informer II A Database with a Look all it's Own What, another database? Well, not exactly. Informer II is a multiple table, semi-relational, data-graphics manager billed as being able to process internal and external data records as well as manipulating presentation graphics. According to the manual, "Informer II's primary purpose is to visually and functionally, duplicate and enhance existing manual processes. New and innovative applications requiring data- graphics management are now possible." Each database contains up to four independent or semi-relational tables, each table can contain 52 columns, columns may be up to 256 characters in length. Each record may contain up to 9216 characters. The size of a database is limited only by the memory of your machine. A nice feature is the ability to integrate graphics with text for a complete presentation. You can import DEGAS, DEGAS Elite, NeoChrome or any "screen dump" image. The program includes Snapshot for this purpose. The program works in both color or monochrome. "These graphic images can be selectively displayed at will by simple clicking on the name of the graphic image file from your data or using the File Selector...Images can be permanently affixed to the background of the date entry screen to replace a familiar data entry form." With this ability you can design and print fill-in forms, custom reports and graphic oriented forms. Informer II seems to be a stable, competent execution and is easy to use. Though the last couple years, Soft-Aware has improved the product steadily. While its potential is high, users will have to decide for themselves just what need for graphics they have in a database. Registered owners get one free upgrade after purchase. Informer II, $89.95 by Soft-Aware, Unlimited, 334 "B" North Euclid, Upland, CA 91786. - John King Tarpinian ======================================================================= SILHOUETTE VERSION 1.0 ---------------------- Press Release ======================================================================= A Bit-Image and Vector Graphics Program with Auto-Tracing Feature Requirements: ST/TT system with at least 1 megabyte (2M recommended) of RAM. ST high resolution on the ST or TT supported. Please read the accompanying text file. Atari Users, Its ready but let me be the first to say (before Ralph or Ron, etc.) that its quite late in arriving. My apologies and especially to a few that have patiently waited (your copies will be arriving in the mail). I wish Silhouette had been completed a year earlier. I would have treated myself to a nice vacation. As things stand now I look forward to catching up with some bills. Silhouette began as a project to create an auto-tracing program for the Atari ST. In the course of developing the tracing algorithms I realized that there would not be a perfect solution, i.e. perfect auto-tracer, at least not within a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, it was necessary to develop the auto-tracing routines around a drawing program that would allow the user to load bit images and prepare them for auto- tracing. Also the ability to auto-trace and then spruce up the auto- trace would be of great value. The result is a drawing program with some unique drawing features for creating bit image and vector graphics. The auto-tracing feature links the two graphic types together. The auto-tracing of Silhouette works best with line art. It will not attempt to determine the type of fill patterns existing and then replace them with a vector graphics fill pattern. Silhouette will auto-trace graphics and offer several degrees of variability in how it is processed. One can output a raw trace which might be of value for very small objects or for objects with many horizontal and vertical lines. Or one can output an auto-trace with GEM 2.0 bezier curves which are loadable by the high-end desktop publishing programs. Maxwell was approached by several sign-makers interested in a auto-tracer and with the bezier output, the auto-tracing function will be of great value. When spline auto-tracing is selected Silhouette will seek out the important points in the trace, points at corners or points that help define the curvatures of the image. Output of the auto-trace is sent directly into the vector graphics window along with a gray shaded bit-image of the trace area. One can adjust the control points of the polylines or splines while referencing the bit-image in the background. The polyline editing function was developed to speed up editing. One can move from control point to point by simply hitting the keys 'Q' or 'E' and add or delete points with the keys 'A' or 'D'. You might find some of the operations in Silhouette unorthodox but in the short term you will find out why they work as they do. Most every function begins with a single left mouse button click. No need to maintain the mouse button down while drawing or editing. This frees up the hand motion and allows for smoother motion of the mouse. Operations are terminated with right mouse button click or by hitting the ESCAPE or UNDO key to cancel. Objects in the raster or vector windows can be deleted with the ESCAPE or UNDO key too. Movement of whole objects, while being drawn, is accomplished by depressing the left mouse button during the move. Let me describe the main features in version 1.0. Auto-tracing Raw or splined auto-tracing with adjustable parameters. Background bit- image display. Drawing tools clipper, freehand, line, polyline, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, circular arc, polygons, stars, parabolas, spray can, text (supports FSM GDOS), pixel editor tool. Smoothing B-splines, Bezier curves. Convert polylines into either splines and visa -versa. Convert Circles or Ellipses into bezier curves (GEM 2.0 format). Multi-point or 4 point (GEM 2.0) beziers supported. Magnification Magnify the vector window image up to 16 times. Drawing resolution achieves up to 3200 DPI. Graphics Input: Bit image formats IMG, DEGAS, TINY, MACPAINT. Vector graphics GEM format. Graphics Output: Bit images as IMG files. Vector graphics as GEM meta files or DXF universal CAD format. Clipboard Two clip buffers for the raster (bit-image) graphics. Separate cut and copy buffers for vector graphics. Will accumulate copied or cut objects. Clip buffers save to disk and can be re-loaded during future sessions. Duplicate, Reshape Duplicate vector objects in three ways (freehand, radial or cartesian). Reshape objects in several ways: size, stretch, free corner warp, skew (parallogram), skew (trapezoid). Rotate Rotate polyline objects to a 1/10th of a degree. Splice and Cut polylines. Data Object information is continuously updated on the information line while an object is being created. The bit-image and vector window are size adjustable. Manual 100 page manual in a three ring binder and slip cover. Hardware Support Operates on the ST, STacy and TT. 1 megabyte required but 2 megabytes recommended. ST high resolution supported on the ST and TT. GDOS Supports the old GDOS and new FSM GDOS. We are accepting orders now Silhouette is available directly from Maxwell CPU for $109.95 plus $5.00 shipping (U.S. Post in U.S. and Canada). Shipping by UPS overseas is available upon request. We accept VISA and MASTERCARD or will ship COD or accept personal check. CALL: (303)666-7754 between 8AM and 6PM(MST), Mondays-Saturdays. Special Offers Buy version 1.0 now for 109.95 before August 15th and upgrade to version 1.5 (expected release date September 15, 1991) for $20.00. The new features of version 1.5 will include: Object grouping, snapping to grid or guides, snapping to object(s) symmetry points, ruler system, additional auto-tracing features, iso- contouring of bit-images, output to Calamus file format. Enhanced DXF file output. Conversion of all complex curves (elliptical arcs, parabolas, etc.) to bezier curves. Duochrome (two color) video graphics support. Owners of Silhouette will be able to purchase direct the MicroSoft Windows version of Silhouette for 45% off the retail price. Expected release date of December 1, 1991. ======================================================================= Z*NET SOFTWARE SHELF - VACATION EDITION --------------------------------------- by Ron Berinstein, Pasta King ======================================================================= It is true that summer time means vacations! We at Software Shelf want you to be prepared to handle the additional stress, workload, and the hard to conquer challenges, that taking time off for a vacation usually present. So, we here at the Shelf have taken some time off from our regularly scheduled activities to help you prepare for your time off. MATHQ2.LZH a file that features MATH-QUIZ, might be the first logical step. MATH-QUIZ is probably a program you shouldn't be without, especially if you have children. First of all, you should be at least as good at math as your elementary student son or daughter. Right? And second, well, what if you have to do some fast fiquring with foreign currencies and your kids aren't there to help? MATH-QUIZ isn't only a program to clue us in on what we have forgotten, it is our ticket to become prepared! You remember that old Boy Scout oath, don't you? Plus, let your kids use it too, so that they as well will keep their skills alive and jumping during their summer break. Runs in medium resolution and it's very easy to use (lucky for us!). Freeware ..... EXCHANGE.ARC If your travel goals include Canada this summer take Exchange along with you and your Stacy, or, at least look it over before going. This program will also be great for Canadian business people that accept US currency, as it will help employees to instantly convert US to Canadian currency. Hmm, wonder what kind of ink I need to convert Canadian to US? Many options...colour or mono. Freeware. WET_SEKA.ARC In case it's been so long without a vacation for you and your significant other that you've forgotten some of the things you can do without even leaving the hotel, you might raise your anticipation level by watching this adult oriented GIF picture of Seka "having fun." Nah... Probably not necessary. SEX.LZH If your home life is anything like mine is though you might find this file amusing. Darlah (GEnie Atari section sysop) uploaded this to GEnie recently with the sidemark that it probably wasn't going to be exactly what you might expect of it, but, probably might be closer on second thought than you might like. However, promised returns from this file include either enjoyment or frustration, or both! COLOR/MONO/ TT IMGVEWR2.LZH Talking about viewing interesting pictures before leaving for a vacation, V.2 of IMVIEWER.PRG has been released and it now gives you the ability to view GEM COLOR .IMG files in the new ST/TT format (as well as B&W .IMG's) IMVEWR2.PRG replaces the original, which didn't read the ST/TT format. IMGVEWR2.PRG will read the upcoming ST/TT format image-archives as well. DOC file with instructions and full info on ST/TT format is included. LO_2_HI.ARC gives those with only monochrome monitors a way to anticipate a great vacation as well! It will allow them to view those special .SPC and .NEO low resolution pictures on their mono monitors! By the way, not that any of you asked, but my all time favorite "special .SPC" picture is contained in BEAUTY.ARC. SCRIPT.LZH has a Script File Editor for creating .RUN files for use with SPSLIDE8.PRG and SPSLIDEX.PRG. It supports both the Spectrum 512 formats (.SPC and .SPU) and the smooshed (.SPS) files. If you are using SPSLIDE8.PRG, it also supports the embedded control codes. Features Batch adding of file, merging of old files, and much more. Docs included. MGWRITER.LZH has just been recently posted. It is an updated version of MagniWriter ST that was originally from the Sept. 1989 ST-Log. Quad sized print in ST Low Res., but it will run in all ST and TT resolutions. Files and format are compatible with ST Writer Elite. This program was primarily designed for folks that have low range vision and children. The yellow text on the black background gives a high contrast to the text. This, however does NOT work with TURBO ST. By the way... STWEDOCS.LZH contains the docs for STWriter Writer Elite 4.2, printer driver creation files, and a help file. STWMAN.TXT, contained in the file, is set up for double column elite text. Well let's talk about Monitors and what we view on them. Have we done that before? Nah.... MONMAGIC.ARC contains the program called MONITOR MAGIC. Monitor Magic will turn your colour monitor into a green or amber screen similar to an IBM's. You decide what you desire and use this accessory to "make it so." Freeware. N_CAPSLK.LZH is no doubt the answer for many who would far prefer to watch .SPC pictures than try to remember how the 'caps lock' key is set. Monochrome only, but this little accessory posts a small box on your monitor screen's upper right hand corner to fill you in. And now in the center ring let's bring out that serious ST Stuff for your Monitor Viewing pleasure! ... HL_DEMO.LZH is the DEMO of HyperLINK, a multi-media/object oriented application generator featuring a set of sample applications, and also showing the Application Builder module with save/use features removed. Many features of HyperLINK are available to try, though database size and text editing is limited. Minimum 1 Megabyte RAM required; Mono or Colour OK, ST/TT/STE. D150_200.ARC has a program specifically written for those that wish to convert files from any version of DynaCADD, 1.50 to 1.84 inclusive, for importation into DynaCADD version 2.0. It is simple and easy to use. DURACELL.LZH is another of a series of computer animations by Wilton A. Vargas for Digital Magic Corp.(DM). This is an animation created for Duracell Caribbean, Inc. intended for use as an in-house video for the sales department. It's an animation in the traditional style. STARSHIP.LZH This is a Lexicor FLM animation in TT-Medium resolution. It features an Enterprise-like starship with rotating engines flying over a grid, approaching and destroying a barrier, and approaching a giant skull. It unarcs to 2.2 megs and requires Lexicor's FLM player or Prism Paint to view it. SHINY91.LZH Shiny Bubbles 1991! An improved version of the original Shiny Bubbles. It uses the 16 grey scale level of the STE sucessfully. Works on regular STs with 8 grey scales as well. 1 Mb RAM required though. This file needs to be extracted with Quester's LHARC 2.0 because it uses the LH5 compression method. And, while on the never solved subject of compression methods... XSHELL.LZH a shell that extracts and compresses, LZH, ARC, ZIP, ZOO, or what have you! It does numerous other things as well. This file contains ARC602, ARX, GUCK, LZH1321, LZSLHARC, PFXPAK, UNLZH, and ZOO.TTP along with a help file, the SFX utility, file find and instant guck. These are all utilities to compress or extract in one fashion or another with this shell. Also, if you have all the guck and LZH etc. that you might ever want, a sister file (much smaller) exists as well that just features the shell! ELFBOOT2.ARC is the latest revision of ELFBOOT, which now fully supports ALL TOS versions. Use it in your AUTO folder and you'll be able to select desktop.inf files, choose programs to run, select desk accessories, select and/or re-order AUTO folder programs, select ASSIGN.SYS files, and fully control system colors and parameters. To keep the kids busy, so that you don't have to be busy with the kids.. TRAFFIC.LZH features TRAFFIC, a game in which you try to direct automobile traffic through a crowded city with the fewest delays. Medium resolution, color only. BACKGAMM.ARC has an online version of backgammon for use with mono monitors, and lets you play it over the phone lines with a friend who also has a modem. You can play against the computer if you wish, or set up custom games. Freeware. MDMZIIDC.ARC has the English translation of the MIDI Maze II documentation. This file was captured from InterNet/UseNet. MAKAMAZ.LZH features the maze editor for use with MidiMaze. It will load existing mazes or simply create new ones. It also features a random generation mode to start your mazes. It runs in all 3 resolutions, and documentation is included. ATOMONIO.LZH contains a playable demo of the new Pysgnosis game; "Atomino." Same is sort of a puzzle game having to do with molecules. Good graphics and sound. For those staying home this week prefering to exercise their right of free choice, and spend their summer time writing programs: ML6888.LZH has text and Modula-2 code showing how to use the Floating Point Processor in the TT. The coding is for LONGREALs, extended precision reals, and can easily be read by a C programmer. SHOWSPEC.ARC Object code modules for decompression and display of Spectrum pictures. The modules can be executed from any program that passes parameters on the stack like in C. They work in both medium and low resolution (color only). Note: these modules can not be used as part of any commercial product without approval of Trio Engineering, inc. [Taken from doc file.] COMPAN.ARC GFA Companion, a tool for creating Dialog boxes, radio buttons, etc. with GFA Basic. Archived, approx. 340K bytes, uncompressed. 68K_2GFA.LZH OK GFA fans, this one is specially suited for you GFA'rs learning assembly language. It turns Machine code to it's GFA BASIC equivalent! Say you want to add BASCODE.EXE to your .PRG, just pop it in this baby and merge what comes out. (What will they do next?) POPUPGFA.LZH has another GFA BASIC "goodie." This is a little listing that makes "Pop-UP" menus in your GFA .PRG's easy. They look great, can have up to 21 items and are a nice change. MENUBILD.ARC Menu Builder makes menus in GFA BASIC. All you do is run it, tell it what you want, and out pops a listing. Merge it in and your done. And for those planning on writing essays, stories, and books... SHOWBOAT.ARC is a Calamusized version of the public domain postscript type 1 font Showboat. The font is too large to use with Calamus, so it has been split up into two seperate fonts. PREMIERC.LZH is the complete Calamus font, Premier Lightline. Converted from a pd Mac font. File also includes a Calamus .CDK file illustrating which letters are contained in the font. Complete font, upper and lowercase. TIEMPO_L.ARC a light face version in the Tiempo style to add to your collection..CALAMUS REQUIRED RECODEPS.ARC This file provides a sample of how to recode the ASCII mapping for a Postscript font in order to gain better compatibility with, for example, Pagestream. US_68030.ARC is the new version (1.4) of the Ultrascript loader. It adds new status messages. This file is designed to allow the Atari Laser Printer version of Ultrascript to function on a 68030 machine such as the TT030. C&P150.LZH is version 1.50 of Cut & Paste, a GEM-based file splitting/ concatenation utility. This cleans up the code from version 1.0, making it a bit more resistant to general problems, and a bit more graceful, should it encounter insurmountable problems. MBOOK3.LZH Make*A*Book will take ASCII files and output them in "Book Format" (four pages to a sheet of paper, 2 on each side) via UltraScript /Postscript code. Supports pagination, Cover Page creation and more. New in Version 3.00F, is the support of ALL Postscript fonts you have installed in your system. And last, but not at all least. Just how is your system working? Does it need a vacation too? Nah... SYSMON10.ARC is a great comprehensive system monitor. It allows for viewing of most system variables, viewing of traps, TSR programs, accessories, memory locations, etc. It is accessible by a keystroke from just about everywhere. Use ARC602ST.TTP and one should note that this needs TOS 1.4 or BELOW to work. DISKSTAT.ARC DC Disk Stat gives you a lot of disk structure information. Sectors per track, total tracks, total sectors, etc. and more. Easy-to-use GEM interface. Runs as an accessory or a program. ST, STe and TT compatible, med. or high resolutions only. The above files were compiled by Ron Berinstein co-sysop CodeHead Quarters BBS (213) 461-2095 from files that were either directly uploaded to CodeHead Quarters BBS, or downloaded from GEnie, Compuserve, and Delphi online services. ======================================================================= Z*NET PC INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE -------------------------------------- July 24, 1991 Issue #11 ======================================================================= Z*Net PC is a free, bi-weekly magazine in electronic (ASCII) format that features news, reviews, commentary, and other information of interest to users of IBM PC and compatible computers. >>>THE EDITOR'S DESK..........................................Ron Kovacs >>>Z*NET NEWSWIRE, PC EDITION................................Z*Net Staff The Latest Industry News and Events! *** IBM and Apple to Develop New Operating System, Platform *** COMPLETE Text of IBM-Apple Letter of Intent *** "Pink" - IBM and Apple's New Operating System *** Borland Merges With Ashton-Tate ... IBM to Bundle Multimedia Windows with PS/2's ... Microsoft to Distribute IBM's OS/2 2.0 *** Mac Laptops Judged Most Satisfying ... IBM Joins PC Benchmark Standards Group ... Lotus 1-2-3 Migrates to HP Workstations ... Compaq Surpasses IBM, Becomes Number One in U.K. *** DRI Undercuts Microsoft in Soviet DOS Market ... Novell, DRI Announce Merger ... Seagate Cuts 1200 Employees *** IBM Buys Metaphor *** AMD 386 Chip Sales Up ... Sumo Introduces New CD-ROM Drive ... DeScribe Enters Windows Market ... Former DEC Employee Charged with Conspiracy *** "DOC SAVAGE" Sentenced in Sundevil Hacker Case *** Mac-In-DOS for Windows Reads Macintosh Diskettes *** 90 Megabyte Bernoulli Drive Debuts ... PC Insurance Now Available from Safeware *** Microsoft Involved in Mouse Patent Dispute ... SuperMac Has Fastest 8-bit Mac Color ... Electronic Mail Privacy "Upheld" *** Toshiba Considers Building ACE RISC Set ... NEC Releases New Color Laptop ... Commodore's 386SX Notebook PC *** Slotless 386SX Upgrade for 286 Owners ... More Companies Support Microsoft Pen Windows ... A Cray in Every Home? *** Apple Reports $53.1 Million Net Loss ... DataPro Introduces CD-ROM Information Services ... RAD Ships CD-ROM with 30 UNIX Applications ... AutoCAD for New HP Apollo RISC Workstation *** Lightning's 50Mhz 486DX PC's *** Lotus Updates 1-2-3 to Release 3.1+ >>>CRESCENT SOFTWARE PRODUCTS FOR VISUAL BASIC.............Press Release Crescent has released QuickPak Pro for Windows and PDQComm, two new development products for use with Microsoft Visual Basic. >>>THE GRAPHICAL EDGE.......................................Mike Mezaros *** What Does The IBM-Apple Agreement REALLY Mean? ... Microsoft Visual Basic *** IN FULL: The alleged BILL GATES MEMO that has rocked the industry! >>>VISUAL BASIC RUNFIX APP...............Jack McKinley with Mike Mezaros "RunFix," a simple, small Visual Basic application which iconizes and restores the Program Manager, is examined. Includes full source code! >>>HOTWIN 2.0..............................................Press Release This press release from Abacist Software about HotWin is interesting in and of itself. What makes it even MORE interesting is the Z*Net News Service Special Report later on in this issue! >>>MICROGRAFX CHARISMA 2.1.................................Press Release The popular business graphics package has been upgraded! Find out about all of Charisma's exciting new features. >>>PORTFOLIO USERS UPDATE...................................B.J. Gleason The ups-and-downs of file transfers on Atari's pocket-sized MS-DOS command compatible personal computer. Explains transferring to and from IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, and Atari ST machines. >>>VMIX 386 MULTITASKING SYSTEM.............................News Release Need multitasking on a budget? VMiX 386 might be for you. This DesqView style multitasker and task-switcher is available as shareware, and has just been updated to release 2.62. >>>QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE IBM-APPLE AGREEMENT......News Release This news release from IBM's corporate headquarters answers a total of 23 questions about IBM and Apple's newly formed working relationship. >>>VENTURA PUBLISHER "GOLD MINE"...........................Press Release Ventura is now providing incentives, some valued at more than $700, for purchasers of Ventura Publisher. DOS, Windows, OS/2, and Macintosh versions are covered. >>>FULLY POWERED WINDOWS...................................Jack McKinley An in-depth review of Burton L. Alperson's new book "Fully Powered Windows." Jack tells you why you should - or shouldn't - buy this new book. >>>Z*NET NEWS SERVICE SPECIAL REPORT.................................... Apparently, the makers of HotWin are threatening to sue David Stafford, author of the popular program Launch, for copyright infringement. The interesting twist: HotWin is a commercial product. Launch is a shareware program, which allegedly pre-dates HotWin by more than a year. Information is still sketchy at this time, but it appears that this incident may threaten shareware as we know it. >>>PD/SHAREWARE SHELF................................................... Which files are worth downloading? Z*Net PC lists 43 contenders! Compiled from GEnie and CompuServe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z*NET Atari Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the Atari and related computer community. Material contained in this edition may be reprinted without permission except where noted, unedited and containing the issue number, name and author included at the top of each article reprinted. Opinions presented are those of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff of Z*Net Online. This publication is not affiliated with Atari Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net Atari Online and Z*Net News Service are copyright (c)1991, Rovac Industries Incorporated, Post Office Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0059. Voice (908) 968-2024, BBS (908) 968- 8148 at 2400/9600 Baud 24 hours a day. We can be reached on Compuserve at PPN 75300,1642 on GEnie at Z-Net and Delphi at ZNET. FNET NODE 593 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z*NET Atari Online Magazine Copyright (c)1991, Rovac Industries, Inc.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~